Public Finance

Pearlman & Miranda’s Public Finance Practice Group brings expertise in bond counsel, underwriters’ counsel, purchaser counsel, developer/obligor counsel, and related municipal market counsel roles, primarily in New Jersey and New York public finance transactions. Our team represents virtually all manner of local, regional, and state government issuers, along with most major municipal market investment banks and other municipal market participants, in public, limited public, private placement and direct purchase tax-exempt and taxable transactions aggregating to over $21 billion in par amount of bonds and other obligations. 

In addition to bond and note offerings, the Public Finance Group has been brought into numerous specialty and “one-off situations.” The following examples represent the depth and diversity of these situations: 

  • assisting financially troubled communities looking for financial equilibrium 

  • program development for disaster recovery funds that eventually resulted in a low cost resiliency and blackstarting program for health care facilities 

  • structuring a first of its kind shelf registration in order to allow a municipality desperate to reclaim its waterfront but in dire need of $100 million in infrastructure as a predicate to redevelopment 

  • developing a commercial paper program in concert with a major Wall Street investment bank for one of the largest state issuers to finance construction and other interim term obligations 

We have drafted numerous public finance legislative provisions, many of which have been enacted into law, and continue to be consulted by state officials and other stakeholders in enhancing existing programs and developing new ones. The Public Finance Group has particular expertise in: 

  • renewable energy and other green bond transactions 

  • redevelopment area bonds financings 

  • water and sewer bonds 

  • pooled financings 

  • senior and subordinated structures and the intercreditor issues that accompany such deals 

  • higher education bonds 

  • privatization transactions 

  • county improvement authority 

  • local, general, and special obligation bond offerings   

We are frequent webinar and in-person lecturers on public finance topics, including public private partnerships and lessons learned to avoid deals going awry. These educational lectures and forums are developed for clients, as well as non-client government, private, and third-party municipal marketplace participants.   

Our attorneys are thoroughly versed in applicable State and Federal enabling, bond finance, securities and tax law statutes, and regulations. We have also been retained for financing expertise in a variety of transactions outside of tax exempt bonds, where an intimate knowledge of financing structures, waterfalls, loan, lease and mortgage provisions, intercreditor arrangements and the interplay of a multitude of transaction sources beyond bonds and notes are relevant. 

Grounded in our fundamental approach as problem solvers, we take special pride in not only serving client needs, but  in creating new tools to assist our clients in lowering their cost of capital. With almost 100 years of combined public finance experience, this level of practical and extensive public finance expertise is among the most significant to be found in any qualified MBE/WBE law firm.  

In representing public finance clients, larger firms have often imposed artificial restraints when none exist in the law because their attorneys lack the requisite experience to navigate financing structures that, owing to innovative business solutions, move beyond the boilerplate of conventional structures. Our attorneys not only embrace large, complicated, and complex projects, but excel at bringing them to a successful conclusion. 


For more information: 

Call our office: (973) 707-3665 or  

Email our Practice Group lead, Deborah Verderame:  

*Please note that under applicable ethics laws, an attorney-client relationship with our firm is only established with a signed engagement letter. 


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